Oil management is a process that every restaurant should do every day. Oil management covers all the tasks necessary to test the quality of your cooking oil, remove leftover bits of food from the oil, filter the oil and clean the deep fryer. If you own a restaurant that serves deep-fried foods, you know that cooking oil can’t be used over and over again without affecting the quality of your food. But with effective fry oil management, there is a way to make it last longer, ensure consistent results and ultimately save money in the long run.
Fry oil filtration extends the life of your oil by 50% and safeguards those delicious flavors your restaurant is known for. Kitchens that do not filter their fry oil usually have to replace the oil more often, which can become costly. Apart from that, unfiltered oil can cause deep-fried food to smell bad and become soggy and unappealing. Skipping oil filtration can also negatively impact your commercial deep fryers as dirty oil uses more energy to heat and is likely to damage your equipment.
Every kitchen is different, with different rules, recipes and standard operating procedures. So, there are many different oil filtration options. You can choose from electric or hand-operated oil filtration machines, built-in systems or even hands-free systems. For ultimate ease of use, a built-in oil filtration system is best, but if you didn’t build your kitchen with one to begin with, there are other options.
A portable fry oil filtration machine is an economical alternative that can easily be implemented in your kitchen. Fry oil filtration machines are available with tank sizes ranging from 55 lb. capacity to 200 lb. capacity, so there’s a model to suit your particular needs.
The third option, hands-free oil filtration, can only be done with deep fryers that have computer controls and built-in oil quality sensors.
Apart from an oil filtration machine, there are just a couple other accessories you need for your oil management system. The first is a safe and effective fryer oil filter powder. This powder acts as a filtering aid, slowing down the breakdown of your oil. Fry oil powder is a cost-effective and powerful product that helps you save on oil costs.
Read: Using MirOil Fry Oil Filtering Products to Save on Restaurant Costs and Improve Taste
For removing those teeny-tiny micron-sized particles from your fry oil, we recommend reusable oil filtration bags. These are more cost-effective than disposable paper filtration bags. These are far more cost-effective than disposable paper filtration bags.
In most cases, the color and smell of your cooking oil will indicate that it’s time to filter or replace the oil. If you’re unsure of when to filter your oil, fry oil testing kits and strips can give you the immediate answer you’re looking for, with scientific accuracy.
Now that you know everything you need to implement an oil filtration system, it’s time to stock up! The FryOilSaver Company supplies everything you could ever need in one easy online shop. Order now to get FREE SHIPPING anywhere in the US.
Simply fill in your details below to get a coupon code to order your free samples, delivered to your door for free! Keep your fry oil in peak condition for oil savings from 25% to 40%. Miracles for oil, Made in USA since 1973.